Presently: A Gratitude Journal App
Presently is an open source Android app you can use to write down daily gratitude entries. Users can navigate through a simple timeline view and to add and read entries. It was designed to be very minimal, with no extra bells and whistles. I built this app to fill the void for simple gratitude journaling apps and to try out Room. I also wanted to try my hand at some design, from the app icon to the Play Store assets.
- Write and read gratitude journal entries
- Export/import your entries to CSV
- Reminder notifications
- [Coming soon] Themes
Tech Stack
Presently is built using Android Architecture Components:
- Room
- Navigation
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Data binding
Continuous Integration
- CircleCI with Github integration
- Fastlane to manage my CI tasks
- A lane to run unit tests and generate coverage
- A lane to run static code analysis
- A lane to build the app
- [Coming soon] A lane to release the app and perform release related tasks
- Code coverage tracked using a gradle task that would calculate my Jacoco coverage
The Design
Future Plans
- Themes, various colors and symbols for users to choose from
- Updated tooling for releases (using Fastlane and Gradle)
- Use the Jetpack Paging library for the Timeline view
- Search
- Integrate Github with Danger to put code coverage reports in pull requests
Check it out here in the Google Play Store and look at my source code on Github!