Since going to Google IO back in May I was so excited to try out Flutter. I came back from IO and took App Brewery’s Flutter course (excellent course, highly recommend!) and then started to think about what I wanted my very first Flutter app to be.

I’ve been working on various aspects of my Five Things project since 2017 and the current version had been feeling a bit stale. I decided it was time to give the mobile UI a refresh and to integrate with Google Cloud’s sentiment analysis tools.

In just 21 days I was able to build a fully working app and the backend to support it. Flutter development is FAST. Here’s the final result:


  • A monthly dashboard
    • The monthly dashboard shows you an overall view of a month. It has all the days you’ve written for that month along with the sentiment scores for those entries
  • Search
    • I used Algolia to index my data and make it searchable
  • Sentiment Analysis
    • When the user writes a complete entry we analyze the sentiment of the entry and send it back to the user.


After lots of research and experimenting I settled on using the BLoC pattern for this app. I chose this library because of it’s fantastic documentation, it’s similarity to MVI in Android (a pattern I’d been already researching), and it’s great tutorials.

In the BLoC pattern your app responds to events and outputs different states accordingly. BLoC is built upon Dart’s Streams and RxDart and allows you to properly separate your business logic from your presentation logic.


  • Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Cloud Functions
    • Call the Google Language sentiment analysis endpoint when a new, complete entry is written and writes the response back to the database
    • Index new entries with Algolia
  • Firebase Authentication


Working with Flutter is exciting and fast. I was able to build a prototype so quickly and was able to build it following architectural best practices. This was a great exercise and I look forward to what I can build next!